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When A-Ko was still small enough to comfortably sleep on my lap, I found that Teresa Teng's music was great for helping me rock her to sleep, so I made a mix CD for her. These are the songs I included, with YouTube video links (and my crappy title translations):
甜密密 / Sweet Secret
酒醉的探戈 / Drunk Tango
夜來香 / Tuberose
我只在乎你 / I Only Care About You
愛人 / Lover
償還 / Repay
原鄉情濃 / Original Country Nostalgia
又見炊煙 / And See Smoke
情人的關懷 / Valentine's Care
恰似你的温柔 / Just Like Your Tenderness
雲泃 / Clouds [1]
詩意 / Poetry
難忘的初戀情人 / Unforgettable First Close Sweetheart
想你想斷腸 / I Miss You, I'm Heartbroken
襟裳岬 / Cape Erimo [2]
世界多美麗 / How Beautiful The World Is
昨夜夢醒時 / Wake Up Last Night's Dream
水上人 / Aquatic People
月亮代表我的心 / The Moon Represents My Heart
多情的玫瑰 / Passionate Roses
要去遥遠的地方 / I Want To Go To Distant Places
從今日起 / From Today Onward
This worked great until “the terrible twos” kicked into overdrive as A-Ko approached the age of 3 years and she started to throw extreme tantrums at bed time. (My wife and I think her fussiness was due to her having enormously large tonsils, causing her to not sleep well and therefore be extra cranky when tired. After getting her tonsils out, she slept much better and threw fewer fits.)
Although this music no longer put A-Ko to sleep when she got older, as she then prefered being carried on a walk through the cool night air when restless, she still likes to dance to it.
Chinese music didn't work as well with C-Ko as he seemed to prefer Korean, specifically Roller Coaster's first and second albums.
When Z-Ko was just a few days old, he wouldn't stop crying, so I pulled up YouTube and played the first Teresa Teng song I could find which was 月亮代表我的心 / The Moon Represents My Heart. The instant the music started, he stopped crying and soon went to sleep!
- ⌃ 雲泃 is commonly spelled using the simplified form of 云泃.
- ⌃ Cape Erimo is in Hokkaidō, Japan.